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  • Innovative Promotion for Caulfield’s Heath Track

    Thursday, 23rd May 2024

    The Melbourne Racing Club has been granted a unique opportunity to capitalise on the heightened interest surrounding the NFL Super Bowl, with a concurrent race date now earmarked for Caulfield's Heath track in the upcoming new racing season. Expressing enthusiasm, Jake Norton, the MRC's executive general manager of racing, explained to the club's eagerness to leverage this Monday date in February as a platform to introduce NFL enthusiasts to the thrill of horse racing at The Heath. "We're keen advocates of synchronising race meetings with major sporting events to cultivate an occasion that, ideally, will attract a fresh audience to the racecourse," Norton remarked. (By default, it might also create NFL converts amongst racegoers). "While we're yet to finalize the details surrounding this race day spectacle, securing the date marks the initial stride, and we'll delve into planning as the time approaches.With the game kicking off at 10:30 am local time, we're considering options such as commencing races during halftime or post-game, aiming to retain the interest of individuals less acquainted with racing, enticing them to explore our sport. Maximising attendance at racecourses benefits all stakeholders, and we hope this initiative serves as an effective avenue to engage with a new demographic."